
The Keyboard sensor enables keyboard-based drag and drop interactions. It is enabled by default in the DragDropManager.


import {DragDropManager} from '@dnd-kit/dom';
import {KeyboardSensor} from '@dnd-kit/dom/sensors';

const manager = new DragDropManager({
  sensors: [
      keyboardCodes: {
        start: ['Space', 'Enter'],
        cancel: ['Escape'],
        end: ['Space', 'Enter'],
        up: ['ArrowUp'],
        down: ['ArrowDown'],
        left: ['ArrowLeft'],
        right: ['ArrowRight'],

Default Key Bindings

The Keyboard sensor comes with these default key bindings:

const defaultKeyboardCodes = {
  start: ['Space', 'Enter'],    // Start dragging
  cancel: ['Escape'],           // Cancel drag operation
  end: ['Space', 'Enter'],      // End dragging
  up: ['ArrowUp'],             // Move up
  down: ['ArrowDown'],         // Move down
  left: ['ArrowLeft'],         // Move left
  right: ['ArrowRight'],       // Move right

Customizing Key Bindings

You can customize which keys trigger different actions:

  keyboardCodes: {
    // Use Tab to start/end dragging
    start: ['Tab'],
    end: ['Tab'],

    // Use WASD for movement
    up: ['KeyW'],
    down: ['KeyS'],
    left: ['KeyA'],
    right: ['KeyD'],

    // Additional cancel keys
    cancel: ['Escape', 'KeyQ'],

Default behavior

By default, each key press moves the dragged item by 10 pixels. Hold Shift to move by 50 pixels instead.

API Reference



Configure which keyboard codes trigger different actions:

interface KeyboardCodes {
  start: KeyCode[];    // Start dragging
  cancel: KeyCode[];   // Cancel operation
  end: KeyCode[];      // End dragging
  up: KeyCode[];       // Move up
  down: KeyCode[];     // Move down
  left: KeyCode[];     // Move left
  right: KeyCode[];    // Move right

type KeyCode = KeyboardEvent['code'];


The Keyboard sensor handles these events:

  • keydown: Key press detection
  • keyup: Key release detection


The sensor activates when:

  1. A draggable element or its handle has focus
  2. A configured start key is pressed
  3. The element isn’t disabled

Best Practices

  1. Provide clear focus indicators:

    • Use visible focus rings
    • Maintain sufficient contrast
  2. Support screen readers:

    • Use proper ARIA attributes
    • Provide clear instructions
  3. Consider key combinations:

    • Avoid conflicts with browser shortcuts
    • Support standard keyboard patterns